The final presentation of Nadiatools took place on March 28th. The event, which took place at the Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace in Trieste, was attended by all the companies, research bodies and public bodies that collaborated in the realization of the project,...
We would like to inform you that the project “NADIA tools” in which ThunderNIL has participated is going to be presented at the Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace located in Trieste, on Thursday 28th of March, at 17:00. The purpose of the project is to...
Following the win of the tender notice POR FESR 2014-2020 – Attività 1.3.a – DGR n. 1232/2017, ThunderNIL will start the project “Design and nanopatterningn tecniques for a new aesthetics of furniture’s surfaces with a grant of 72472,29...
From the 14th to the 16th of February 2018, ThunderNIL has participated to the 17th International Nanotechnology Comprehensive Exhibition / Technology conference, together with other 18 excellent companies from Europe, as a joint exhibitor of the Japan-Europe...
ThunderNIL with Surface Finishing’s partners has attended to Samuexpo 2018, the big fair for the manufacturing industry which includes SamuMETAL, SamuPLAST & SubTECH exhibitions....
Euro Bio High Tech 2017 is a unique showcase for the institutions and the companies working in the Biotech and Smart Health world, which brings together the research and manufacturing sectors in order to create new development and business opportunities. ThunderNIL...
The agreement between Italy and Cina signed yesterday will allow to young asian scientists to partecipate to a new PhD program called “High level talents training program” between Cina and Sissa, the International School for Advanced Studies. During the meeting...
ThunderNIL joins with BioHighTechNET, the corporative network working in the field of biomedicine, industry 4.0, biotechnology and the ambient-assisted living technologies....
ThunderNIL has started a new project “Nano Diagnostic and Automated Therapeutic Tools for Oncology – NADIATools”, in collaboration with Biovalley Investments S.p.A, TBS Group S.p.A, CRO from Aviano and University of Trieste. The project has been presented by the...